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Encounters Of The Triangular Kind

Good Afternoon People!!

Firstly, I'm sorry about the long gap between posts. My internet has been playing up so it's been tricky to get online!

Anyways, I just wanted to show you one of my favourite nail designs which I did a few weeks ago! I find geometric nail art to be the easiest so it's my go to design when I just want to do my nails quickly. Take a look;

This was pretty easy to do (with a small brush and a steady hand that is!) and I love the outcome! I used China Glaze 'Exotic Encounters' on all my fingers except my ring finger where I used Essie 'Sand Tropez'. Then just using a small detail brush, I painted randomly overlapping triangles in opposing colours (does that make sense??!).

I think it's pretty striking and I can't wait to try it out in different colours :). Ooooooh!! I'm gong to totally do a multicoloured summery version!! The possibilities are endless. . . . .

Thank you for reading!!


p.s. thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate them!! :)



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