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Mooning Around In Lace

Good Evening People!!

I finally managed to get hold of some paper hole-reinforcers, so obviously I just had to create a half-moon manicure! I've seen loads of lace doily half-moon nail art around the internet and thought they looked so pretty and delicate :) I decided to just get on down and have a go!

I started off with a base of 17 'Mint Choc Chip' (the name confused me too, it's blue??) and then added a coat of Essie 'Good To Go' to seal it. I found that the hole-reinforcers are much more sticky than striping tape so I stuck each piece on the back of my hand first before placing it on my nail. Once the hole-reinforcer was in place, I then added a coat of Barry M 'Blackberry' and immediately removed the sticker.

I wasn't really sure how to go about the actual lace bit so it was a bit of a learning curve! I started with a small dotting tool and 'Mint Choc Chip' to make a row of dots along the curved edge of each half-moon. I then did 2 different versions of 'hole placement' as I wasn't sure which would look more effective. I used a few different sized dotting tools and 'Blackberry' to add rows of dots in each half-moon. I finished off with another coat of 'Good To Go'.

It kinda looks like lace, right?? Well maybe not quite, I obviously need more practice! I think the pattern on my middle and ring fingers works best, they look more realistic anyway! I also happen to have the teeniest nails in the universe so I can't fit too much on :( Ah well, practice makes perfect...that's what I keep telling myself, ha ha!

Thanks for reading, I hope you all had a magical weekend!




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