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Along The Diagonal

Hey Hey Hey!!

Is it just me or is anybody else totally ready for autumn??? It's my favourite season and I adore everything about it!! The food, the colours, the smells and especially the beautiful tone of light you get- lovely and dramatic all at once!! However, my nail polishes are not quite ready to wave goodbye to bright colourful manicures. Need to churn out the last of my summery nail art ideas!!

Well, I say summery but you can see those autumnal colours (orange, purple and lime) sneaking in!

Anyway, I started with 3 thin coats of Barry M 'Dragonfruit' before painting on Barry M 'Blueberry' diagonally across each nail. On my middle finger and thumb I painted the half in the opposite angle. This took a couple of coats but it didn't get lumpy which was pretty helpful! Using my striping brush, I painted little star shaped flowers on each nail in Essie 'Blanc' and Barry M 'Key Lime'. Then, using the same brush but loading it with a bit more polish this time I painted larger alpine like flowers on each nail in 17 'Orange Soda' and Color Club 'Eternal Beauty'. I also used Rimmel 'Pear Drop' to paint small leaves here and there among the flowers. With a dotting tool, Essie 'Blanc' and 17 'Orange Soda', I added in small dots to the middles of some of the flowers. I finished it all off with OPI 'RapiDry' topcoat!

I really enjoyed painting these and love the outcome! I especially like that the flowers roughly follow the diagonal line but still look random. And how cool does that colour combination look??! The flower colours stop the whole thing from looking too girly and are a bit unusual I think. My mum has already asked (demanded) for these on her nails!

Thanks for reading :)




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Inspiration: Autumn Bounty