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The Pelican And The Ruby

Evening All!

Tonight, I have another way to accent a stunner of a glitter nail polish. I'm really into this at the moment as it's a bit of a challenge- adding enough detail to keep things interesting but not so much that it hides the glitter underneath! Here's what I came up with today;

That fabulous glittery red goodness that you can see here is two simple coats of Rimmel 'Ruby Crush'. Isn't it just gorgeous?!!! I can't wait to wear it in some Christmas nail art, it's going to look so gooooooooood!!

I love the combination of red, pink and grey so I knew exactly what I wanted to do for this manicure! Using a striping brush, I painted arcs at opposing corners on each nail with Rimmel 'Strawberry Fizz' and China Glaze 'Pelican Gray'. Who says you can't wear red and pink together?! It's all about choosing the right shade- a bright red with a lighter pink or a deep red with a rose pink. It's usually best to stay away from darker pinks as most reds are not light so the shades would be too close.

I'm pretty pleased with these, I like how the red glow of the glitter still shines through and dominates. And of course I love to wear unexpected colours together, it's always fun!!

Thanks for reading peoples;

Kayleigh :)



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