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Movie Night: Hunchback Of Notre Dame

A Good Evening To You!

When we were younger, my sister and I watched Disney films rather a lot! One of our favourite characters was (and still is...) Esmeralda for obvious reasons- she's stunning, an amazing dancer and stands up for herself! So tonight's nail art is centred around her, in particular her dance in the red dress;

This image was my main source of inspiration. There was no way that I would be able to actually paint Esmeralda herself so instead I went for snippets of the whole scene!

From thumb to pinkie: Sun decoration, Tambourine and Scarf, Esmeralda's Tiara, Star decoration, Tambourine.
On my thumb and ring fingers, I painted on Barry M 'Blueberry' which is more dusky than it looks in the photos! Then using a gold Technic striper, I painted in a large sun and stars. On my thumb, I added facial details to the sun using Kolor 'Russet', a mixture of Butter London 'Black Knight' and Barry M 'Cappuccino' and my striping brush.
On my pointer and pinkie fingers, I used Barry M 'Passion Fruit' to represent Esmeralda's dress. I used a small brush and OPI 'My Vampire Is Buff' to fill in a half-moon as the start of tambourines. I used Barry M 'Cappuccino' for the wooden edge and the gold Technic striper for the metal discs. I added in one of her scarves on my pointer nail, using China Glaze 'Gothic Lolita' (darker purple) and Essie 'Splash Of Grenadine' (lilac).

On my middle finger, I used Butter London 'Black Knight' to represent Esmeralda's hair. I used my more yellow gold Accurate nail striper to paint in the tiara. For the gem, I used a large dotting tool and a mixture of Barry M 'Passion Fruit' and Barry M 'Cappuccino' to do the darker bit. With a teeny weeny dotting tool and 'Passion Fruit' to do the highlight. I finished the whole thing with a thick coat of Essie 'Good To Go'.

I'm actually quite proud of these because I managed to get most of my lines pretty damn thin!! I'm thinking  of trying out some acrylic paints on my next 'Movie Night' so that I can get some more blending going on!

Thanks for reading;

Kayleigh :)



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