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Twice A Dragon

Hello Everyone!!

Today's nail art is loosely based on a cool pattern that I found on Pinterest (a great place for inspiration!). I changed up the colours slightly and altered the pattern so that it would fit on my teeny weeny nails!!

On my thumb, middle and ring finger nails I used China Glaze 'Flying Dragon'. It dries very matte which dulls and darkens the beautiful colour, so a topcoat is essential with this nail polish!

On my accent nails (pointer/index and pinkie) I used Barry M 'Dragon Fruit' and then a couple of coats of Franken Frosting 'Who's That Girl?'. I don't think they do this particular nail polish anymore but they've got some amazing new stock for 2014!!

Using a small flat brush and OPI 'I Have A Herring Problem', I painted thick vertical wavy lines over 'Flying Dragon'. Doing it this way (with a flat brush) required a few coats but prevented it from becoming a lumpy mess (if I'd used a striper brush). With a striper brush and Barry M 'Dragon Fruit', I painted thin hourglass lines over the bigger waves. Finished it up with Essie 'No Chips Ahead'. :)

It wasn't until I'd started writing up this post that I realised I'd used two nail polishes with the word 'dragon' in them!! Must be fate.
Loving the glitter accent nails but a bit meh about the actual pattern. Ha ha!

Thanks for reading!

Kayleigh :)



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