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Fall Into Autumn

Hey You Guys!

One of the main things that I (and most people) love about this time of year is the amazing colour of the foliage. There's just something about cascading golden leaves against a steel grey sky that's just mesmerizing :) I often find myself staring out the window, taking it all in.

So, this weekend I decided to create a manicure inspired by this natural beauty. Take a looksie;

I wanted to include all of the stunning hues of autumn so I decided to paint a more graphic take on 'falling leaves'. I started with a couple of coats of Champneys 'Ruby' which is a lovely metallic ruby (duh) red: perfect for Christmas manicures! Too soon?!

On my non-accent nails, I painted a basic leaf pattern inspired by the work of Eloise Renouf, they're really interesting and unique prints.

Using my thinnest striping brush and various nail polishes, I painted on the small leaf shapes. The nail polishes that I used were; China Glaze 'Dress Me Up' (pinkish nude), Essie 'Sable Collar' (greyish brown), China Glaze 'Gothic Lolita' (purple) and Essie 'The Girls Are Out' (pink/purple).

I thought the pattern needed a pop of colour so I added in a couple of leaves in Barry M 'Grapefruit' (coral) and Barry M 'Key Lime' (lime green).

On my accent nails, I painted large basic shaped leaves to add something a bit different to the manicure. I used my striping brush to paint in the outline before filling it in (using a detail brush) with China Glaze 'Dress Me Up' (pinkie) and China Glaze 'Gothic Lolita' (pointer). Then I added some detail to the leaves with Barry M 'Key Lime' (pinkie) and Barry M 'Grapefruit' (pointer). Finally, I used Essie 'Good To Go'.

Halfway through doing these, I nearly gave up on them as the whole thing just looked sloppy. To put it in my Mum's words: 'Ooh, you've got blobs on your nails!'. Not quite what I was going for...

But once they were finished, I actually rather liked them! Phew.

Thanks for reading!!

Kayleigh :)



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