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Changing Colours

Good Afternoon People!

As it was Halloween this week, I chose to do a darker colour palette than I would normally! I'm glad I did as I absolutely loved wearing this manicure :)

I started this Oak tree inspired manicure by painting all my nails with Revlon Parfumerie 'Autumn Spice', a deep brown based nail polish filled with gold to rose pink colour changing glass flecks. Not only is it a gorgeous colour but it also smells amazing!!

Then, using a striper brush and Revlon 'Iconic' (charcoal grey), I painted on some angular, simplified branches. Next, I used OPI 'My Vampire Is Buff' (pale, cream nude) and a detail brush to paint on the basic shapes of the leaves and acorns. I knew the final colours wouldn't show up over the dark brown so I needed to put down a lighter base colour first!

For the leaves, I used Revlon Parfumerie 'Beachy' (pale gold) and Essie 'Snap Happy' (bright red). I also used Butter London 'Brick Lane' (burnt orange with subtle gold shimmer) for the acorns.

Once that layer was completely dry, I used a small detail brush and Revlon 'Iconic' to add details to the leaves and acorns. I finished it off with Essie 'Good To Go'. I felt that the branches weren't showing up very well against the dark background so I went over them with OPI 'Matte Top Coat'. I really love the effect!

These were quite fiddly to do, especially the leaves but I enjoyed doing them :) And I'm so into that colour palette! I think I'll be wearing more dark nail polishes in the future...

Thanks For Reading!

Kayleigh :)



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