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The Spring Effect

Hello Nail Art Lovers!!

As Sprng has finally showed it's blossomy face, I've created some nail art to celebrate!! What shouts 'Spring Is Back!' like nothing else?? YELLOW FLOWERS is what!! I feel that yellow is very much a Spring colour, don't you think?!

Firstly, check out that base colour, isn't it just beautiful?! It's one of the Barry M Gellys in 'Blueberry' and it's goooooooooorgeous! Blue is by far my favourite colour so I'm pretty much drowning in blue nail polishes but I still don't have anything like this one!! It's magical. No, really.

So, starting with 'Blueberry' on all my nails, I then added a sweep of Sinful Colors 'Call You Later', along the edges of my nails in random places. Then, using a small brush, I painted on various sized flowers in 17 'Sherbet Lemon' along the sweeps of glitter. When that was dry, I went back in with Revlon 'Zealous' and 17 'Orange Soda' and added the details. I purposly didn't add a topcoat as I really liked the different textures of the glitter and the slightly raised flowers.

I am so very proud of this manicure, I think it might be the best floral I've ever done!! WOOP! I'm totally going to do more in this style now!

Thank you for reading :)




A Pastel Easter

The Ladybird Factor

Inspiration: Autumn Bounty