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Greek Island Essence

Hello Hello Hello!!

How are we all on this fine summer evening? (I know, S.U.M.M.E.R, it's actually here!)

The colours that I used for this manicure remind me big time of the Mediterranean. Aqua skies, golden nude beaches, deep blue sea and white walls glowing in the sun. Magical. Don't you wish you were there right now??

The other day, whilst rummaging in the depths of a drawer, I found some craft scissors, wooop!! So exciting! Embarressingly so, but hey! I immediately wanted to get on down and try out some nail art with it :) I figured that normal tape would just be too flimsy to use and thus result in a huge sticky mess (icky) so I used some label stickers instead. They turned out to be surprisingly good for this! Exxxxccelent.

I started with a couple of coats of Essie 'Blanc' on my pinkie and pointer fingers (I like to use these as quircky accents) and Barry M 'Lychee' on the rest. I then topcoated them all with Essie 'Out The Door' to get them ready for the stickers. While I waited for them to dry properly, I cut each sticker label in half length-ways with the craft scissors so that I ended up with 10 wavy edged stickers. One nail at a time, I placed a sticker vertically over the edge of my nail. Then I painted over the exposed area with nail polish and removed the sticker straight away to get a clean edge.
Over the white nails (pinkie and pointer), I used Revlon 'Royal' which in retrospect was not the best of ideas. . . . It's quite runny and sheer so it seeped under the tape and didn't cover over the white properly. Great Big Crappities. Over the nude nails, I used OPI 'Thats Berry Daring' which is an absolute beauty. Look at those lovely sharp lines!! It's also much brighter in person, the camera washed it out a tad. Finally with a teeny weeny dotting tool, I made a line of dots in Revlon 'Royal' (on thumb, middle and ring) and OPI 'Thats Berry Daring' (on pinkie and pointer) along each wavy edge . ..  .ta dah!

So I rather adore these nails, wore them for aaages (as in 2 days, ha!). Love it when an idea turns out how I imagine it, double woop!!

Thanks for reading (especially as it's such a long explanation- woops.)

Kayleigh :)



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