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Smoking Stardust

Heylo People!!

The weirdest but coolest thing happened today!! My mum, sister and I were food shopping when we came across the spookiest thing. Coca cola is doing this thing where random names are printed on their bottles. And there on the shelf, next to each other were 3 bottles with my mum's, sister's and my name on them!! Next to each other!! Of all the names on hundreds of bottles, what are the chances?!!! So groovy!

Anyway, I have some nail art with one of my favourite and most treasured nail polishes: Butter London 'Big Smoke'. Pretty much all the Butter London nail polishes are just adorable so the few I have are practically my babies :)

'Big Smoke' has a lovely shimmer to it so I thought a glitter gradient would really suit it. It's really easy to do as you just use the nail polish brush but it creates a stunning effect! Gorgeous in fact.

After painting all my nails with a couple of coats of 'Big Smoke', I created a gradient with Essie 'Beyond Cozy' from the base of my nail towards the tip. I wiped off most of the excess from the polish brush and, holding the brush almost horizontal, I swiped it from the base to the tip a few times. I carried on until I was satisfied with the coverage. Then, I added a bit of Barry M 'Aqua Glitter' over 'Beyond Cosy'. I finished it off with Essie 'Good To Go'.

These are so very pretty, extremely sparkly in person, I love it!! Of course it helps that it's a blue and silver manicure- can't go wrong with that!

Thanks for reading :)




A Pastel Easter

The Ladybird Factor

Inspiration: Autumn Bounty