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Red Siren

Good Evening My Friends!!

Red can change everything. Red lipstick. Red shoes. Red nails. It's that pop of colour which makes us feel confident and  just that little bit braver. It's obvious and in your face, its feisty and fun. Whenever I have a gorgeous red nail polish on my nails, I feel brighter, confident and maybe a little bit reckless!! We should all get the chance to wear red, even if it is just on our nails, it changes the way we see ourselves and so the way others perceive us. Go on, do it!!

And of course because it's physically impossible for me to only wear one colour on my nails, I went and added a few more. I may have got a bit carried away with my colours here but hey, I like it!! It's bright and kinda reminds me of a carnival which can only be a good thing!

I started off with Essie 'Snap Happy' on all my nails. It's actually a teensy bit more orangey than in these photos- my poor camera gets freaked out by bright colours. Then I used the nail polish brush (with the excess wiped off) to paint on different sized overlapping triangles on the tips of each nail. The actual colours I used are: Barry M 'Peach Melba', Collection 2000 'Show Off' (metallic blue), Barry M 'Blueberry' (lighter blue), Essie 'Splash Of Grenadine' (pinkish lilac) and Rimmel 'Strawberry Fizz' (pink). Then, using a medium dotting tool and a smaller one, I painted rows of dots along random triangles in the above colours. I didn't follow a pattern or anything, just tried to get an even distribution of colour. 'Peach Melba' was very sheer so I only painted one triangle with it but that was the only polish I had trouble with, woop!!

I love the outcome of this, in fact I still have this on and it's been two days!! It's unusual and I think it's cool that it combines pink, purple and red which would normally be considered as a clashing disaster!!

Thanks for reading amigos,

Kayleigh :)


  1. I love love looove these nails! So colourful.xx

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    1. Thank you so much!! I'm pretty in love with these babies too!! xx


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