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The Zealous Peach

Good Afternoon!!

I've just got back from an amazing holiday, cruising around the Mediterranean! It was genuinely fantastical!! Although, as we were on a ship, I couldn't do anything on the blog (very sad face) but I'm back now so it's all good :) .

I'll show you the manicure I did specially for the trip but in the meantime here's a funky take on a classic French manicure;

I surprised myself by actually really loving this nail art! It started out as just something that I wanted to have a go at but turned into something super cool!! The colours are really summery and it was pretty easy to do so an all round winner.

I started off with a couple of coats of Barry M 'Peach Melba' on all my nails. I tend to avoid orangey colours but the softness of this peach makes it very wearable. Next, a coat of Essie 'Good To Go' before using my good old paper hole-reinforcer stickers to create a French tip with OPI 'That's Berry Daring'. I can't seem to stop using this polish whenever I do nail art involving stickers or tape- it's just so very perfect for it!! Then, using a large dotting tool and 17 'Lemon Sherbet', I painted dots up one side of each nail. On my thumb (as it's bigger) I did both sides for added interest. Using a small dotting tool and Barry M 'Peach Melba', I placed dots in the middle of the big dots to create rings. I also added a few small dots here and there with Revlon 'Zealous' pretty much just for fun. And that's it!!

I'm off to nurse my poor little nails- they didn't enjoy the holiday quite as much and got pretty battered :( . SO glad that nails grow back quickly!!

Thanks for reading :)




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