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A New Found Friend

Evening All!!

A few weeks ago, my best friend came to stay with me for a bit. We're both pretty creative so we decided to have a go at decorating mugs with sharpie pens! It worked an absolute treat and got me thinking about where else I could use these babies....... Yep, you know what's coming- sharpie nail art!

I began this little experiment with a few coats of China Glaze 'Dandy Lyin Around'. This is yet another beauty of a polish! I can't stand chalky white nail polish but this is a lovely shimmery soft white. As it's slightly translucent, the pink of the nail gives the white a lovely pearly glow- beautiful! As I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to top coat after I'd used the pens, I did it at this point with OPI 'RapiDry TopCoat'. Once this was completely dry, I got to work with my sharpie pens! I used bright pink, red, orange, yellow, lime green, green, turquoise, blue, indigo and purple. I wanted to do wavy shapes made up with teeny dashes so that I could get a colour changing effect (mostly from dark to light). I chose the colours at random but made sure they went together so that it didn't end up a big brown mess!

I was so pleased with the result that I was too chicken to topcoat it in case it smudged, ha ha! I didn't really need to anyway as the pens came out pretty shiny :). As a bonus, the shimmer in the nail polish gave the pen ink a cool metallic finish. LOVE IT!!

Oh the possibilities are endless....... I may well go sharpie pen mad. Although it might end up resembling Pandora's box....

Thanks for reading!!

Kayleigh :)

An Afterthought: while most of the colours stayed on my nails (even when I washed my hands!!), the blue came off pretty easily. Which I only noticed after I had worked out why I had a blue forehead... Anywho, the moral of the story is DO use topcoat! I re-did the blue bits and then added OPI 'RapiDry TopCoat' really carefully and it didn't smudge, woop!! Since then, no more blue patches!



A Pastel Easter

The Ladybird Factor

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