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Raspberry Mojito

Evening All!

My favourite colour combination is green and pink in any shape or form. I manage to sneak it into every aspect of my life whether I want to or not!! My room is decorated in pale jade and pink-brown, most of my clothes are mint, jade, musk pink or rose and even this blog is bright pink and jade!! I just can't help myself- it's gotten pretty bad. So it's only natural to bring that obsession into my nail art!

I started with a couple of coats of Barry M 'Mint Green' (on my pointer, middle and pinkie nails) which is by far my most used polish, a third of it is already gone!! On my thumb and ring nails, I used Revlon 'Girly' for my compulsory accent nails. I painted all my nails with Barry M 'Topcoat & Basecoat' to get them tape ready! I used striping tape and label stickers (cut into strips) to make horizontal stripes over the 'Mint Green'. Finally, I painted another coat of topcoat.

'Girly' is such a beautiful nail polish-so many different shades of pink and purple glitter in it!! For ages it wasn't available in the UK (why does that happen with so many cool polishes???) so I practically SQUEALED when I spotted it in Boots! Ha ha!!

Sometimes I just need a good old glitter accent and tape manicure. It's so simple and easy (once you get the hang of using tape that is!) and looks really clean cut and striking. Can't go wrong with that!!

Thanks for reading :)




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