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Back To The Eighties

Hello Everyone!!

I've been doing nail art for over a year now, so I want to raise my game! As I'm better at geometric patterns than themed art, I decided to start with what I know but take it to the next level. Usually, when I do a tape manicure, I stop there but this time I thought why not add to that?? I may have gone a tad overboard. .. . .  .

I started with a couple of coats of Essie 'Blanc' as underwear for Orly 'Glowstick'. This nail polish really lives up to it's name!! and it's so much easier to apply when over white- no streaks just BRIGHT BRIGHT goodness!! I used OPI 'RapiDry Topcoat' on all my nails before applying striping tape in angled strips and Barry M 'Silver Foil' over 'Glowstick'. At this point, I absolutely loved my nails but there wasn't much skill involved so far so I carried on. But I am definitely doing it as a manicure all of it's own!!

I then started to add random shapes using my striping brush and a few different nail polishes. I used Barry M 'Spring Green' to paint stripes and wavy ribbons, Collection 2000 'Show Off' to draw triangles (solid and outlines), Essie 'Blanc' and a dotting tool for some random dots and finally, Saffron nail polish in pink (no name) to paint more triangles and outlined some of the blue ones. it already looked as if someone had vomited the eighties over my nails so I thought, hey! let's add some glitter. :) I used China Glaze 'Glistening Snow' to add touches here and there. Finished with some more 'RapiDry Topcoat'.

I had a TON of fun doing these and it definitely helped me get better with my striping brush. So there's that. I just can't handle the pattern explosion on every single nail, it pains my eyes...... Maybe I'll try just one or two nails next time!!

Thanks for reading :)




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