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Movie Night: 'Toy Story'

Good Afternoon My Fellow Nail Lovers!!

I've been planning this for ages as a way for me to improve my nail art skills and to think outside the box! I'm going to be representing various movies on my nails and showing them to you over time under the heading 'Movie Nights'. As I've just started this, I went for a relatively easy film first- the ultimate 'Toy Story'!!

I decided to only paint two characters as I've never done this sort of thing before, not on teeny weeny nails anyway!! On the majority of my nails (thumb, ring and pinkie) I did the cloud wallpaper that's associated with the entire film. I started with Barry M 'Blueberry' which makes such a perfect sky blue colour!! Then using Essie 'Blanc' and a combination of various dotting tools and my striping brush, I painted the stylised clouds. That was the easy bit!!

I love love the little alien guys so of course one of them had to be involved! I used China Glaze 'I'm With The Lifeguard' as the base for my little alien (pointer finger). Then, I used an Accurate black striper to shape his face and mouth. Using a few different sized dotting tools and Essie 'Blanc' and the black striper, I painted the three eyes. I mixed a bit of Accurate yellow with 'I'm With The Lifeguard' to paint on the highlights around the eyes and mouth.

For Mr Potato-head (middle finger), I used OPI 'Wooden Shoe Like To Know?' as the base. Using Essie 'Blanc' and a small dotting tool, I made two dots for each eye and joined them up with a striping brush. I mixed a tan colour using an orange and a lime nail polish (Missguided Splash 'Missmatch' and a Saffron lime green) and painted the nose and eyelids. Finally, I used the black Accurate striper to paint in his eyebrows, pupils and moustache. I finished it all off with OPI 'RapiDry' topcoat.

I am SO SO happy with how they came out, they actually resemble the characters!!! Double Woop!! And they were super fun to do :)

Thanks for reading,

Kayleigh :)



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The Ladybird Factor

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