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Shredded Geometry

Hey Hey Hey!

I think it's clear to most of you by now that I absolutely looove Pinterest and use it for pretty much all of my nail art inspiration! Sometimes it's a literal translation of a great pattern or painting. Other times it's an unusual colour palette and the overall atmosphere of a certain image that draws me in. Today's manicure involves the latter with a mostly neutral palette, shot through with zingy colour!

I started this manicure with an accent nail of Zoya 'Zuza' on my ring finger. Over that, I layered a couple of coats of Barry M 'Sour Apple'. When these bar glitters started appearing, I absolutely hated them! Gradually they've wormed their way into my heart and now I want all of the colours!! Damn it.

On the rest of my nails, I used China Glaze 'Dress Me Up' (light brown on my pinkie and pointer) and OPI 'My Very First Knockwurst' (pink beige on my thumb and middle). Then, keeping these nail polish colours and with my smallest striping brush, I painted random triangles on my non-accent nails.

Still with my striping brush, I then blocked in a few shapes using Revlon 'Zealous' (lemon yellow), Barry M 'Mint Green' (pale minty blue) and Zoya 'Zuza' (shimmery teal/turquoise). A couple of these polishes were on the sheer side so I had to apply a few coats :(

For a bit of visual texture, I painted Barry M 'Apple Sour' over any areas painted in Zoya 'Zuza'. It really transformed the whole manicure! Finally I topcoated with Essie 'No Chips Ahead'.

To be honest, I can't decide whether I actually like these or not! I'm happy with the colour palette and concept but there's just something that's not quite right. I think I may have used too many layers so it started to get a tad lumpy- gross!

Thanks for reading!!

Kayleigh :)



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