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Modern Vintage

Hello Everybody!!

The other day I was looking through some of my older blog posts-please say I'm not the only one who cringes when they do this?!! Embarrassing dialogue aside, I do enjoy looking at how much I've improved on the nail art front! It gives me motivation to keep on trucking and stepping outside my comfort zone a tidbit....

I saw this retro rose print on Pinterest (ha, where else?!) and immediately fell in love with it! Which of course can be translated as-'must put it on my nails now!'

I started this manicure with a couple of coats of Essie 'Trophy Wife' on all my nails. A beautiful colour but it does have a bit of an odd formulae. Kind of goopy and claggy but still workable.

Then, using my thin striping brush and Essie 'Blanc', I painted on the roses and leafy branch outlines. For the leaves, I used a small detail brush to gently dab on Barry M 'Key Lime', leaving some white showing through, especially on the stems. I added some highlights using a mix of Essie 'Blanc' and Revlon 'Zealous'.

For the roses, I used a variety of mint and turquoise nail polishes ranging from light to dark. I dabbed on the polish with a small detail brush, allowing some of the white to show through again. The nail polishes I used were; China Glaze 'At Vase Value' (pale mint), Barry M 'Mint Green' (bluish mint), Zoya 'Zuza' (shimmery light teal), Barry M 'Guava' (bright turquoise) and Barry M 'Pacific' (dark duochrome teal).

I added the swirly detail on the roses using a metallic indigo NPW Nail Art Pen from the 'Jewels' pack. I then used Essie 'Good To Go' to seal everything in. I wasn't quite feeling it at this stage so I added OPI 'Matte Topcoat' and ...WOW! Such a massive difference :)

I've grown to really appreciate this manicure although there are some bits which could be done better! I think a darker background would have been more striking so that the roses showed up more. But heyho! You live and learn :)

Thanks for reading!!

Kayleigh :)



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