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The Ripple Effect

Evening Everyone!!

Recently, marble patterns have become very popular; much to my delight!! As a geologist geek, anything rock related floats my boat! However, there is no way I'm going to even attempt a water marble so I decided to paint a marble-like pattern by hand......

Which surprisingly turned out quite well! Very time-consuming but not as difficult as I had originally thought :)

I started with a few coats of Revlon 'Aquamarine' from their Chroma Chameleon collection. It's a lovely delicate duochrome that changes from aqua, periwinkle blue, purplish magenta through to a deep royal purple/indigo.

For the actual marble effect, I used a few different pictures of marbled paper as a reference. I used my thinnest striping brush and Essie 'Trophy Wife' (shimmery teal) to add in some subtle waves/lines. Once I'd got this first detail on, it was just a case of adding in corresponding lines using various nail polishes.

The main nail polishes I used were; Barry M 'Blackberry' (navy), Barry M 'Cyan Blue' (bright blue), Rimmel 'Camouflage' (metallic army green) and Barry M 'Guava' (bright turquoise).These made up the bulk of the pattern but I also made sure that Revlon 'Aquamarine' showed through.

For added detail and highlights, I added in a few delicate lines using China Glaze 'At Vase Value' (very pale mint), Butter London 'Scuppered' (bronze and copper shimmer), Rimmel 'Peppermint' (light minty blue) and Color Club 'Cherubic' (light beige holo). Finally, I finished the manicure off with Essie 'Good To Go'.

Not to sound too big headed but I'm really proud of these!! I wasn't sure if I could pull it off but it totally worked out :) Only problem is, i can't bear to remove them now.....

Thanks for reading!

Kayleigh :)



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