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Today, I have my last Spring floral manicure for you! A tiny bit late as it's practically Summer now but never mind :)

For this Tulip inspired manicure, I wanted to do a more painterly style rather than an exact representation. I much prefer doing artsy styled nail art as it leaves room for a few mistakes and of course it's fun to do!

First, I painted all my nails in Essie 'Virgin Snow' which is a lovely soft lavender toned pale blue creme. Amazingly, this is almost a one-coater! Unfortunately I ended up painting over most of it but you can see the blue peaking out here and there.

I then lightened the bottom half of each nail with Essie 'Blanc' (white creme) thinned down with Orly Nail Polish Thinner and a fluffy brush. Over that, I painted on rough sword-like leaves using Barry M 'Pole Position' (bright pastel green) and Orly 'Coachella Dweller' (light pistachio green), both thinned with nail polish thinner.

Unfortunately, you can't really see this layer in these photos but they're quite obvious in person!

For a bit of definition, I also added some leaves using China Glaze 'Watermelon Rind' (jade green shimmer). Once that was dry, I painted on some stems and leaves with Zoya 'Midori' (apple green with strong gold shimmer).

Next, I painted on the basic tulip flower shapes using Zoya 'Rory' (bubblegum pink with strong silver shimmer) and Barry M 'On Your Marks' (lemon yellow) using a small detail brush.

To give the flowers a bit of form and solidity, I added highlights with 17 'Sherbet Lemon' (pastel yellow) and a light cool toned pink Clinique nail polish. I then touched up any mistakes or areas that needed it and finally applied a layer of Essie 'Good To Go'.

Although these aren't my best, I do really like the colour palette as it's so clean and fresh! I think maybe I should have just stuck with the pink colours though as the yellow tulips look a bit weird. And I wish I hadn't covered up so much of the beautiful background colour!!

Thanks for reading!

Kayleigh :)



Movie Night: Hunchback Of Notre Dame

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